Friday, September 16, 2011

When last we met...

Apologizing for being a bad blogger is so early 2000s.  That said, Clark's age has gone up 200% since the last time I posted fresh pictures of him. 

Clark Joseph turns three months next week.  And he's incredible.  He's sleeping well, he's eating well, he's a grade-A poop machine.  He smiles on command, especially for his sisters, and we've even heard the occasional laugh.  He laughs in his sleep.  Honestly, it's face-meltingly cute.

Anyway, screw what I have to say, let's get on to the pictures.  The following pics aren't in any specific order, but we can safely assume they were taken in the last three months.

First, one of my favorites.  I think this was my facebook avatar for a few days.  Courtesy of Aunt Cecilia or Aunt Mooey, I think.

This is another version of one I posted right after Clark was born.  I love it though.  Maeve was obviously upset when she found out we had a boy, but you can see how taken with him she is, even here, the first time they met.  Today, she's just as smitten. 

Another facebook steal.  This is a pretty recent one too, and you can see how his face has filled out a bit.  The kid can eat, by the way.  He's going to be a linebacker.

Here's another recent one, taken after Aunt Mooey learned how to velco babies to a wall.  That's Ellie on the right.

And here he is velcroed alongside his fellow gnomes...

Also, I would be remiss if I didn't send a shout out to my awesome in-laws, Katie and Dan, who just had their first kiddo, Finn Daniel.  Guys, when Finn and Clark move off to be roommates at college, let's go halfsies on a uhaul.

While we were celebrating Cecilia and Amy's wedding, Uncle Lou stole Clark's hairdo.

The gals started school a couple weeks ago.  Maeve is in kindergarten and Addie is in pre-school. Feel free to take a few seconds to feel old here.  I'll wait.  Back?  Excellent.  Here's Addie's first day of school pic.  I think she's trying to wink.

 And here they are waiting to be put into a frame in a frame store.  I mean waiting for the bus.

To close, Lisa took these pictures the other day while Clark was in an especially laughy/talkative mood.  Here, you can see the evolution of the baby smile:

Thinking about it...

Here it comes...



And on that note, I think all three of my monkeys deserve a little attention, so I'm going to go play with them.  Have a good weekend...

1 comment:

  1. So much CUTENESS in this post! Glad to see all those smiley faces! :)
